What is Public Charge?
Public charge is someone who the government believes is likely to become dependent on the government for basic needs. If someone is considered a public charge by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services or U.S. Department of State, this can affect their future eligibility to:
Gain a visa to enter the U.S.
Gain permanent residency (a “green card”)
Change or renew their status (does not apply to green card holders or applications for citizenship)
What public benefits are safe.
All benefits for food, housing, and healthcare are safe.
Immigration only looks at the following benefits:
Cash benefits from Wisconsin Works (also called W2 or welfare), and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Assisted living or nursing home facility paid for by Medicaid or BadgerCare Plus
Using these benefits may affect you if you need to change your status, apply for a green card, apply for a visa, or renew a visa.