What are my Health Insurance Options?

Read below to learn about options for health insurance and getting help to pay for health care.  It is common to have children and adults on different plans. Some of these programs have special rules for immigrants and an expert can help you understand your options. 

Click here to find free, local help from an expert.

Health Insurance from a job:

Many immigrants who are legally present can get health insurance from their job.

If your health insurance isn’t affordable, you may be able to get financial help from Healthcare.gov to get a more affordable plan. It is best to work with an expert to see if your plan is affordable. Click here to find free, local help.

BadgerCare Plus:

This is State of Wisconsin Medicaid for people with low incomes. There are special rules for immigrants to qualify for this program. It is best to work with an expert. Click here to find free, local help.

When can I sign up?

The most common status to qualify are:

  • U.S. nationals (American Samoa) and U.S. citizens (including Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, and naturized citizens)

  • Refugees and asylees

  • Some Visa types, such as for victims of domestic abuse or human trafficking

  • Permanent residents (adults have a 5 year wait period)

  • Iraq/Afghan Special Immigrant Visa holders

  • Granted Withholding of Deportation or Removal

To see income requirements, Click Here.

Children's enrollment in BadgerCare Plus or any public benefit program won’t hurt their parents’ immigration status!

Immigrants 65+

Legally present immigrants may be eligible for Medicare. However, legally present immigrants who must pay for Medicare part A can apply for health insurance on Healthcare.gov.  Financial help is based on income. It is best to work with an expert since this process can be tricky. Click here to find free, local help.

When can I sign up?

Oct 15-Dec 7th, when you lose other coverage, or your immigration status changes.


Most people who are legally present can qualify for a health plan on Healthcare.gov. Financial help is based on income. 

  • People with low income who don’t qualify for BadgerCare Plus or Medicaid can often get $0 plans.

  • Financial help from Healthcare.gov is called tax credits and is not a public benefit. Using tax credits will not hurt anyone’s immigration status. Sponsors of immigrants don’t need to pay back tax credits.

  • DACA recipients*, tourists, and those who are undocumented don’t qualify for plans on Healthcare.gov

When can I sign up?

Oct 15-Dec 7th, when you lose other coverage, or your immigration status changes.

Free Clinics and Community Health Centers

Community health centers have financial help to lower the bill. They offer discounts based on income to anyone regardless of immigration status or type of insurance. 

Free clinics often serve anyone in the community who needs care. However, they may have fewer doctors and may not serve people who have health insurance.

Prenatal Care Program:

This is a program for anyone who is pregnant regardless of immigration status. It will pay for any care of the mom while pregnant until 90 days after giving birth.  Children born in the US can then apply for BadgerCare Plus. 

Click here to learn more.

Emergency Services Program:

This program helps immigrants who don’t have other insurance or who are undocumented pay for serious health care emergencies for children, caregivers, adults with disabilities, and adults over age 65.

Only serves some populations:

  • Children 0-18 years old

  • Adults 65 or older

  • Adults with disabilities

  • Adults caring for children at home

  • Pregnant women

Click here to learn more.

Special Note about DACA Recipients”

People who are allowed to reside in the US on a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status are not currently eligible for financial help on Healthcare.gov, BadgerCare or Medicaid.

Programs DACA recipients can apply for or use to get care:

  • Health insurance from a job

  • Sliding scale discounts at Community Health Centers

  • Free clinics

  • Prenatal Care Program

  • Emergency Services

  • Charity care programs